The story behind fashion

  • Fashion photography
  • Fashion movie



Production and styling photo sessions for a fashion company.



For 5 years, we have been producing top-level fashion photo sessions together with Makalu Fashion brand – both stationary and away all across Europe.


Fashion photography & retouch



Get us involved in producing your photo and film session. We will make every effort to ensure that the products delivered are of high quality. We create images based on a lot of experience and knowledge of the current trends in film, photography, and fashion.




Beautiful shots are the result of long and detailed planning for every session. We pay great attention to the work based on the customer’s expectations set out in a detailed briefing.



Beautiful shots are the result of long and detailed planning for every session. We pay great attention to the work based on the customer’s expectations set out in a detailed briefing.



Fashion photography is primarily a collaboration with great people. Styling and manufacturing of photo sessions are our strengths.

The other projects:




Visual identification.

  • logo
  • website
  • content
  • order system



Brofaktura is a small brewery whose headquarters is located in the 114-year-old Market Hall in Siedlce. Here you can drink one of over 40 craft beers, taste seasonal cuisine or order takeaway thanks to our WordPress Restaurant application.


Creating a full brandbook gave the company full control over its graphic identity. The materials were used in the logo, stationery, business cards, as well as on the website and graphic information materials.


Stowrzenie pełnego brandbooka dało firmie pełną kontrolą nad swoją tożsamością graficzną. Materiały zostały użyte zarówno w logotypie, papeterii, wizytówkach, jak i na stronie internetowej i na graficznych materiałach informacyjnych.

Brand design

Brand design

We created the entire brandbook and helped with registering the trademark online. Beautiful design goes hand in hand with functionality and simplicity, which is appreciated by the wood industry. Paged Składy offers professional knowledge and experience that allow us to tailor solutions to the needs of our customers in the field of sales and processing of plywood, wood-based boards and furniture and carpentry accessories. The company supplies products for the furniture industry, construction, shipbuilding, packaging, flooring and formwork systems, interior design, car, trailer and playground construction, scenography production, exhibitions, event stands and sports accessories, and many other industries where wood-based panels are used. irreplaceable. Need to design a brand? We will be happy to help you.


we have created a website that draws the viewer’s attention to the warm nature of wood as a building material for various things. The manufacturer produces elements for the construction, finishing and furniture industries.



The website is divided into many separate sections representing individual products. Thanks to the clear layout, it is easy to find the applications you are interested in

logo design


Once again, we delivered the topic from beginning to end. That is, from the logo, through its use, to a website that proudly represents the company on the Internet. We recommend ourselves!

other projects:

Dojo center, old village, three houses and green grass, blue sky, spring



Paged składy

Brand design.

  • logo
  • website
  • content


Paged is a significant Polish company with a well-established position in the lumber market, producing wood-like materials used in furniture, construction, sports and many other industries. Paged Składy is one of the largest distributors of boards and plywood in Poland, and its commercial offices are located in six regions.

The aim of the project was to create a new web site for Paged in WordPress and to develop a brand identity that is consistent with the company’s “Technology-based Synergy of nature” theme.


The creation of a comprehensive brand book gave the company full control over its graphic identity. The assets have been used in logos, stationery, business cards, on the website and in graphic info.

Brand design

Brand design

We have created a whole brand book and helped with protecting the copyrights. The beautiful design goes hand in hand with functionality and simplicity that the wood industry appreciates. The company supplies products for furniture, construction, glass, packaging, floors, shuttering systems, interior equipment, car-building, trailers and playgrounds, set design, exhibitions, events and sports accessories, and many other industries where wood-based panels are indispensable. Need to design a brand? We’re happy to help.


We have created a site that draws the viewer’s attention to the warm nature of wood as a building block for a variety of things. The manufacturer produces components for both construction, finishing work and furniture industries.


The page has been divided into several separate sections representing each product. Thanks to a clear layout, it is easy to find to fitting solutions.


We have once again finished the job comprehensively. From the logo and its usages to a website that represents the company on the web. We can do the same for you!

other projects:

Ośrodek dojo stara wieś, trzy domki i trawa zielona, niebieskie niebo, wiosna



Cargo Move

Key visual.

  • logo
  • website
  • content



The Cargo Move logistics operator offers a full range of services for shipping goods by sea. Arrangement and operation of freight transport within and outside Europe offers the opportunity for far-reaching trade, taking into account the individual needs of the client and freight challenges. Cargo Move is a marine freight expert.

The company needed a recognizable, transport-related identification and a clear information website.



Comprehensive branding gave the company full control over its graphic identity. The created content has been used in logos, stationery, business cards, on the website and in graphic info.


Key visual


We’ve designed a complete brand book and helped register the rights online. Beautiful design goes hand in hand with functionality and simplicity that the transport industry appreciates. If you want to move a lot of merchandise from a long distance, and travel time isn’t your priority – consider Cargo Move as your supplier and freight planner. The popularity of this form of transport is mainly due to the attractive level of cost-effectiveness of the service. In the case of transport by sea, the goods are transported in containers, refrigerated containers or holds in the case of products without packaging or in tankers suitable for carrying liquid substances.



We decided to use a pallet representing the colors of water and air-related elements. The blue tones proved to be a bullseye and perfectly complemented the logo in terms of brand association with a specific field.



For this customer, we have also designed icons that graphically represent the individual departments in the company that handle different modes of transport.



The simple combination of a graphical interpretation of a container and a text consisting of the client’s own name resulted in a  simple, closed graphic symbol composition. The customer and his stakeholders have taken a liking to this logo.

other projects:

Ośrodek dojo stara wieś, trzy domki i trawa zielona, niebieskie niebo, wiosna




Graphic presentation.

  • graphic presentation



Knowit is a brand that supports businesses and organizations in digital transformations, simplifies people’s everyday lives and creates secure and innovative solutions that meet sustainability goals.



Several images and key phrases are worth more than endless essays. We’ve made a graphical presentation that explains the entire concept.


Graphic presentation


We have based the graphic presentation on a comprehensive interview, so that we could establish the strong and weak sides of the project. Workflow management enables  us to create a product which meets the client’s needs and presents aspects that are important from the business point of view. We’d love to help you as well.




We have chosen stimulating colors. I have selected cheerful colors that bring freshness and modernity to mind. The functionality of this choice is an easy way to communicate key information and emphasize important sentences.



Attention can also be effectively drawn through contrast. Color has a key function, but simple graphic accents, which the recipient can identify with specific areas, are equally important. The correct layout is crucial.



In order for it to be easy to remember, the amount of information that we provide to viewers must be skillfully balanced. The page count and the amount of content on each page is crucial. The balance between and graphic content has a key impact on the learning process.

other projects:

Ośrodek dojo stara wieś, trzy domki i trawa zielona, niebieskie niebo, wiosna




Modern online store

  • logo
  • website
  • SEO



HHUUMM is a brand that gives you pleasure of using the products. HHUUMM products are designed to meet all standards with every detail to best meet customer expectations.

You can see this on the new HHUUMM website that is solid and effective with refined details.



A dedicated solution, tailored to fit your mobile phone. This is a modern online shop – you can buy in a few steps.


Production process video


Seeing is believing. Video is often an easier way to explain how something works than a complicated description of technology. The production process video is very concise, it allows you to understand the process from different points of view and to see its important steps. The video explains to the viewer how an object is designed and opens up their imagination to the applications of the product.

The customer wanted to show the process quite carefully so that investors can see exactly how the product is made and what the substrate of the product looks like.



We decided to use as few stimuli as possible and focus on maximizing the functionality of the online store, i.e. the shortest path from decision to purchase.



A designer online store is a challenge to the imagination. Creating a transparent form requires many attempts and constant testing. We check every tiniest detail during production.



If you need to show a process that makes your company stand out, a proper video will be the best way to show the substance of the matter. We will clearly present the process that is important to you and your business environment, and so, add to your image.

other projects:

Ośrodek dojo stara wieś, trzy domki i trawa zielona, niebieskie niebo, wiosna