Żywiec Group

a film for the company

  • instructional
  • documentary
  • corporate



PTM Polska – a leading company in the moving floor industry in logistics approached us with a need for a film about a new technological line, commissioned by Grupa Żywiec.



Film dokumentalny przedstawia proces, usprawniający w znaczącym stopniu pracę działu logistyki. Dzięki temu procesowi każdy załadunek i rozładunek ciężarówek trwa 6 razy szybciej niż przed wprowadzeniem nowatorskiego rozwiązania. Film przedstawia formę tego urządzenia i pomaga w zrozumieniu jego sposobu działania.


A film for the company


The film about the implementation of the new technology is another such item in our portfolio. Seeing is believing. Often, to explain how something works, it is much easier to use a movie than a complicated description of a technology. The instructional video is very specific, it allows you to understand the process from many different points of view. We create films for companies so that they can show off their achievements among their potential clients. The screened film was presented at the trade fair for logistics solutions and was positively received by viewers.


If you need a similar movie, feel free to write to us or call us to discuss the details. We will definitely create a product tailored to your needs, which will take into account all the important aspects and assumptions for you. We will advise a professional solution. There are no standard solutions in our industry, each one is prepared for you from scratch.

a movie for a transport company


The visual language of the film is universal and understandable all over the world. The documentary shows the process as it is. Explains, instructs and inspires. He explains and shows the process in an understandable and accessible way.

reveal the process


We are mostly visual learners. We associate and remember more easily when we see. One of the primary roles of a movie is the educational function. It is thanks to her that we get to know our world easier.

to share the information


If you need to show the process that distinguishes your company – the film will be the best method of showing the merits of the case. We will clearly show you the process that is important to you. We will make a great product.

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